Outline of Architectural Institute of Japan “Guide to Structural Design of Concrete Shells”
By A. Mutoh and H. Hamada
Concrete Journal, Vol.59, No.3, Mar. 2021
- Synopsis
- In March 2020, the Architectural Institute of Japan's Sub Committee on RC Shell Structures (within the Managing Committee Shell & Spatial Structures) published the first edition of the Guide to Structural Design of Concrete Shells. Reinforced concrete shells are increasingly being applied to various monuments and containers, including roof shells, due to the progress of related design and construction technologies and the increasing need for a high degree of form design freedom. On the other hand, no special design route for structural design existed until now, and therefore it was decided to issue a guide for structural design applicable to new forms such as free-form surfaces and the like. This paper introduces the main parts of the Guide to Structural Design of Concrete Shells.
- Keywords:
- Concrete Shells, Structural Design, Shell & Spatial Structures, Reinforced Concrete