Waterproof and Drainage Technologies for Hybrid Structures
-Water Intrusion Mode and Countermeasures-
By Subcommittee on Research and Study on Waterproofi ng and Drainage of Composite Structure Considering Maintenance, Committee on Hybrid Structures, JSCE
Concrete Journal, Vol.58, No.10, Oct. 2020
- Synopsis
- In August 2015, the Committee on Hybrid Structures of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) established the Subcommittee on Research and Study on Waterproofi ng and Drainage of Composite Structure Considering Maintenance, which surveyed the current state of waterproofing and drainage technology for bridges, among hybrid structures, and conducted laboratory tests and marine exposure tests to study the corrosion and adhesion characteristics of the triple contact point, which is the interface between steel and concrete. The survey of the current state of drainage and waterproofi ng technology yielded an overview of the drainage technology used for existing fl oor slabs and introduced the measurement method using electromagnetic wave radar, which has been attracting attention in recent years. Regarding the corrosion characteristics of the triple contact point, several tests were carried out for the purpose of clarifying the corrosion mechanism and advance understanding of the adhesion characteristics of the contact surface between steel and concrete.
- Keywords:
- Hybrid structure, Drainage and waterproofi ng technology, Corrosion, Triple contact point