Overview of "Recommendation for Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of Anchorages and Joints in Reinforcing Bars [2020]"
By M. Hisada, S. Tamai and K. Furuichi
Concrete Journal, Vol.58, No.10, Oct. 2020
- Synopsis
- This paper gives an overview of the latest revision of the "Recommendation for Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of Anchorages and Joints in Reinforcing Bars" published by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers in 2020. This latest recommendation covers, in the category of anchorages, mechanical anchorages, and in the category of joints, gas pressure welded joints, welded joints, and mechanical joints. The Recommendations are composed of five parts: I General, II Mechanical anchorages, III Gas pressure welded joints, IV Welded joints, and V Mechanical joints. Part I describes the sequence of actions for anchorages and joints, from their design to performance verification, construction, and inspection. Parts II through V describe the specifics of each method. This Recommendation was drafted bearing in mind the relationships between the characteristics of anchorages and joints and the performance of structures, and the influence on reliability of the various construction and inspection methods as they relate to the characteristics of anchorages and joints.
- Keywords:
- Mechanical anchorage, Gas pressure welded joint, Welded joint, Mechanical joint