Outline of the Activities of the Research Group for Promoting the Use of High-Fluidity Concrete in Buildings
By Y. Koshiro, M. Kono, K. Yoda, M. Umemoto and K. Urakawa
Concrete Journal, Vol.58, No.7, Jul. 2020
- Synopsis
- As buildings grow in seismic performance and scale, increasingly traditional slump management concrete fails to meet filling requirements. To improve productivity, reduce defects and improve quality in concrete construction by promoting the use of high-fluidity concrete, the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors established the Research Group for Promoting the Use of High-Fluidity Concrete in Buildings, in which twenty companies participated through three work groups. This paper outlines the activities of this research group and its work groups, and it introduces the Manufacturing Guidelines for High-Fluidity Concrete Using On-Site Additives and the Usage Guidelines for High-Fluidity Concrete as products of the research group.
- Keywords:
- High-fluidity concrete, Slump flow, Segregation resistance, Quality improvement, Productivity improvement