Effect of Information and Communication Technology on Productivity Improvement of Concreting Works -Information Sharing System using Cloud for Delivery, Placement Process and Inspection Results of Ready-mixed Concrete-
By T. Ohtomo, T. Watanabe, T. Saito and K. Maekawa
Concrete Journal, Vol.57, No.11, Nov. 2019
- Synopsis
- Under the "Projects related to the introduction and utilization of innovative technologies to dramatically enhance productivity at construction sites (PRISM)" scheme, in FY 2018, we conducted a "trial on the digitization of information related to ready-mixed concrete, from shipping to placing and quality control, for sharing on the cloud," applied to multiple construction works implemented by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. As a result, insights were gained regarding the effective use of digitized information related to ready-mixed concrete, and it was clearly found that the digitization of ready-mixed concrete-related information is effective for improving both on-site productivity and concrete construction quality. It is hoped that this report will serve as material for discussion for the wide use of this method in the future.
- Keywords:
- i-Construction, concrete, quality control, productivity improvement, cloud, ICT, PRISM