Evolution of Crack Control Method for RC Walls Based on Shrinkage Mechanism of Concrete
By A. Matsui, M. Nishiyama and M. Tani
Concrete Journal, Vol.57, No.3, Mar. 2019
- Synopsis
- As a countermeasure against drying shrinkage cracking in RC shear walls, the improved cracking control method by inserting reinforcing bars was proposed and reported in this paper. By arranging deformed bar, which acts as crack inducing material, on the same vertical cross-section with wall vertical reinforcement and notched joints, stiffness, shear capacity and flexural capacity of RC shear walls with this method are intended to be calculated in the same way as those of jointless walls. Some series of structural tests using scaled RC shear wall specimens with this method were conducted to clarify the structural performance of RC shear walls with this method. Almost the same stiffness and capacity as those of jointless walls was obtained in the experiment because deformed bars which were arranged between notched joints compensated for the concrete section deduction by notched joints. State of crack inducing with this method in the actual buildings and development of new flexible joint filler material for notched joints were also reported in this paper.
- Keywords:
- RC wall, drying shrinkage crack, crack-inducing bar, shear wall test, flexural wall test, finite element analysis, joint filler