Cathodic Protection Method Using Adhesive Sheet Anode
By N. Mimura
Concrete Journal, Vol.56, No.10, Oct. 2018
- Synopsis
- Although the cathodic protection method is effective for prolonging the life of concrete structures, there are problems with workability at the time of installation of the anodic material, with quality control at the time of construction, and with maintenance of the power supply equipment. Adhesive sheet anodes offer improved workability and construction quality by covering the anodic material with conductive adhesive. The effectiveness of this type of anodes was verified by test construction using specimens and actual structures. The effectiveness in terms of cathodic protection was also investigated using intermittent energization using solar panels as the current supply source. Use of the proposed adhesive sheet anode was found to offer cathodic protection through application of a protective current creating polarization of 150mV or more, as long as the structure has chloride ion content of 10 kg/m3 or less.
- Keywords:
- cathodic protection, maintenance, adhesive sheet anode, solar panel, intermittent energization, insulating treatment, adhesive anodic material