Overview of the Findings of the Committee for Monitoring and Assessment of the Tarui Viaduct of the Organization for Promotion of Civil Engineering Technology of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers
By T. Kamada and M. Kunieda
Concrete Journal, Vol.56, No.6, Jun. 2018
- Synopsis
- Following completion of its construction, the Tarui Viaduct located on the Kyoto-Nara-Wakayama Expressway was found to suffer from numerous cracks and deformation. After the implementation of suitable repair and reinforcement, various types of monitoring were conducted over the ten-year period from August 2007 to August 2017. Based on the findings of these monitoring activities, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers' Committee for Monitoring and Assessment of the Tarui Viaduct compiled a report concluding that 1) the repair and reinforcement measures applied to the viaduct are having the desired effect, 2) there is no need for further measures at the present time, and 3) switching to a normal maintenance regime at the conclusion of the ten-year monitoring period is not problematic. Based on this report, this paper gives an overview of the findings of the monitoring activities and the current state of the viaduct.
- Keywords:
- PRC, drying shrinkage, crack, monitoring