"Guideline on Utilization of Placing the Concrete Having 12cm of Slump in Site (by MLIT)" from a Point of View on "Recommendations Related to Fresh Concrete" Published by JSCE
By K. Maekawa, C. Hashimoto and N. Sakata
Concrete Journal, Vol.56, No.3, Mar. 2018
- Synopsis
- In July 2016, the "Guidelines on Utilization of Cast-in-Place Concrete with Slump of 12cm" (hereafter, "these Guidelines") went into force for general reinforced concrete structures ordered by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. These Guidelines change the standard slump from the 8cm used for more than a half century to 12cm. Further, these Guidelines specify the use of self-compacting concrete according to conditions. Evidently, the ultimate goal for concrete work would be completely automated concrete work using self-compacting concrete that does not require manual or mechanical compaction. That said, adoption of the new standard slump value of 12cm is expected to greatly improve the productivity of concrete work. The "Recommendation for Mix Design of Fresh Concrete and Construction Placement related Performance Evaluation - 2016" and the "Recommendation for Mix Design and Construction of Self-Compacting Concrete - 2012" were extensively drawn upon as a technical basis for these Guidelines. This paper describes the relationship between these Guidelines and both above-mentioned mix design and construction guidelines.
- Keywords:
- guidelines, concrete work, productivity improvement, slump, construction performance, self-compacting concrete