Outline of "Recommendations for Mix Design, Production and Construction Practice of Concrete with Expansive Additive and/or Shrinkage Reducing Admixture" of the Architectural Institute
of Japan
By M. Kanematsu, M. Tsujino, H. Nishi and T. Nawa
Concrete Journal, Vol.55, No.8, Aug. 2017
- Synopsis
- In February 2017, the Architectural Institute of Japan published the "Recommendations for Mix Design, Production and Construction Practice of Concrete with Expansive Additive and/or Shrinkage Reducing Admixture". These Recommendations, which are the culmination of work carried out since 2017 to update the previous recommendations, constitute a technical standard for rationally determining methods such as mix design, production and transport, construction and quality control of concrete using expansive additive and/or shrinkage reducing admixture for the purpose of reducing shrinkage of concrete and suppressing cracks caused by such shrinkage, with the aim to contribute to improvement of the quality of concrete structures. This paper outlines the content and background of the establishment of these Recommendations.
- Keywords:
- Expansive additive, shrinkage reducing admixture, recommendations for mix design, production and construction practice, Architectural Institute of Japan