Concrete Deterioration under Natural Environment -Recommendation of Exposure Test-
By N. Yuasa
Concrete Journal, Vol.55, No.3, Mar. 2017
- Synopsis
- The current Technical Committee on the Deterioration of Concrete under Natural Weathering Conditions (Chairman: Professor Noboru Yuasa, Nihon University) was established as the successor of the Technical Committee on Performance of Concrete under Natural Weathering Conditions (Chairman: Professor Eiji Kamada, Hokkaido University) established in 1991, and the Technical Committee on the Evaluation of the Performance of Concrete under Natural Weathering Conditions (Chairman: Professor Noboru Saeki, Hokkaido University) established in 2003. This paper provides an introduction to the deterioration of concrete under natural weathering conditions, and explains the Manual of Long-Term Exposure Testing of Concrete produced by the Technical Committee on the Deterioration of Concrete under Natural Weathering Conditions to deal with the exposure testing issues identified by the two former aforemehtioned committees. It goes on to give an overview of the exposure site and exposure tests conducted by Nihon University, and regarding actual operations, introduces the wireless and LAN-based system for the acquisition of environmental information and test data.
- Keywords:
- concrete, exposure test, natural weathering conditions, deterioration, manual, monitoring system, technical committee