Structural Health Monitoring Method for Early Recovery of Building Functionality after Large Earthquake -Verification in Large Shaking Table Test of 6-Story Reinforced Concrete Building-
By K. Okada, M. Shiraishi, T. Morii and T. Sagawa
Concrete Journal, Vol.55, No.2, Feb. 2017
- Synopsis
- We built a structural health monitoring system (experimental version and practical version) that instantly evaluates the degree of damage of a building based on the data of sensors that detect the shaking of the building. This system evaluates the structural health of the building immediately after an earthquake by the response estimation method using a small number of acceleration sensors. Application of the experimental version of this system in the collapse test of a 6-story RC building at E-Defense to verify the accuracy of the response estimation method confirmed that the proposed structural health monitoring system can be applied to middle-rise RC buildings with earthquake resistant walls, even up to the weakly nonlinear region. Moreover, it was confirmed that the monitoring results of the practical version system agree well with the results of conventional visual emergency safety checks and post-earthquake damage evaluation.
- Keywords:
- monitoring system, large shaking table test, E-Defense, response estimation, interlayer deformation, damage degree evaluation, RC building