"Manual for the Design and Execution of the Repair of Concrete Structures of the Public Works Research Institute
By H. Katahira, I. Sasaki, I. Naitou and H. Sakuraba
Concrete Journal, Vol.54, No.12, Dec. 2016
- Synopsis
- The Public Works Research Institute has proposed a "Manual for the Design and Execution of the Repair of Concrete structures" based on recent research findings regarding repair materials and work methods, and investigation results of failure cases in recent years. This manual consists of a general section, repair method sections, and a post-repair failure case section. The general section covers the repair guideline settings and the various points of note regarding the selection of repair methods. The sections on the various repair methods cover such things as the surface coating/impregnation methods, patching methods, how to verify the quality of repair materials for the various crack repair methods, as well as work-related considerations. Furthermore, the case study section covers causes and countermeasures in the cases where repair materials and/or executions of repair were inadequate. This paper gives an overview of this manual.
- Keywords:
- concrete, repair, re-degradation, surface coating/impregnation, patching, crack repair