The Revision of Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary
(Steel-Concrete Hybrid Structures)
By M. Ikeda, M. Okamoto and Y. Tanimura
Concrete Journal, Vol.54, No.8, Aug. 2016
- Synopsis
- Technical standards for railway steel-concrete hybrid structures were published for the first time in l998. Since then, various technical advances in hybrid structures have been made, and the technical standard, "Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary (Steel-Concrete Hybrid Structures)" (hereafter, "Hybrid Structures Standard") has been revised in January 2016. The revised Hybrid Structures Standard incorporates the latest technical findings as a performance verification type design system. As a summary of this Hybrid Structures Standard, this paper introduces the definition of hybrid structures, the target structures covered by this standard, the overall document structure, the required performance of structures, the revised methods for strength and deformation capacity of steel reinforced concrete members and concrete filled steel tube members, new verification methods for joint and so on.
- Keywords:
- hybrid structure, steel reinforced concrete structure, concrete-filled steel tube structure, mixed structure, performance verizfication type design system, joint of different types of members