Study on Filling Materials Suitable for Seawater Piping Trench Closure Work at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
By S. Yanai, Y. Hibi, K. Nishikouri and K. Sato
Concrete Journal, Vol.54, No.4, Apr. 2016
- Synopsis
- Highly contaminated water leaking from the reactor buildings and turbine buildings damaged by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake has accumulated in the seawater piping trenches of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power station Units 2, 3, and 4. In November 2014, work commenced to replace and remove this contaminated water by fiiling the trenches with filling materials, and this work was completed in December 2015. This paper summarizes the contents of this study on various ailing materials, including special alters with long-distance underwater flowability applied to the horizontal tunnel parts of the trenches.
- Keywords:
- antiwashout, long-distance underwater flowability, highly contaminated water, filling ability, water cut-off ability