Estimation of the Amount of Chloride Ingress in Concrete Taking Into Account Differences in the Amount of Adhering Salt on Bridge Members
By A. Kamiharako, J. Tomiyama, K. Arai and T. Habuchi
Concrete Journal, Vol.54, No.2, Feb. 2016
- Synopsis
- Through numerical analysis combining wind field analysis and the random walk method, the amount of salt adhering to each of the surfaces of a bridge superstructure was calculated, and a set of techniques for applying these results to the prediction of the amount of chloride ingress in concrete members of the bridge superstructure is proposed. The calculation accuracy was verified by comparing the calculation results yielded by the proposed method with the actual measurement data. This paper presents the details of this study.
- Keywords:
- airborne salt adhering salt, spatial distribution, random walk method, prediction of chloride ingress