Revision of Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection Standard NDIS 2426-2:
"Non-destructive testing of concrete - elastic wave method. Part 2: Impact elastic wave method"
By T. Kamada, K. Morihama, K. Yamada, T. Watanabe, S. Iwano, S. Uchida and M. Takanabe
Concrete Journal, Vol.53, No.12, Dec. 2015
- Synopsis
- In recent years, the use of non-destructive testing has come to be expected for the maintenance of concrete structures. Various non-destructive test methods have been the object of research and technology development, and the Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection (JSNDI) has been developing standards accordingly. Non-destructive test methods that use elastic waves (the ultrasonic method, impact elastic wave method, and impact acoustics method) are covered in the new NDIS 2426 standard of the JSNDI. The guidelines applying to the impact elastic wave method were revised in 2014 to reflect the growing application of this method and to include new methods of elastic wave input. This paper gives an overview of the standards of the JSNDI and outlines the main changes concerning the impact elastic wave method.
- Keywords:
- standard of the Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection (NDIS), elastic wave, impact elastic wave method, compressive strength, crack depth