Development of Durabilitv Enhancement Technique for Concrete by Continuous Drain-Moist Curing
Bv T. Usui, S. Miyahara, T. Sakamoto and T. Kishi
Concrete Journal, Vol.53, No.10, Oct. 2015
- Synopsis
- With the aim of developing a technique that improves the durability of concrete through curing, a curing method that allows, through the use of a newly developed special form, the discharge of excess water and air bubbles from concrete immediately after it has been placed, and moist curing through rapid water supply after it sets, as a continuous operation without demolding. Along with establishing standard construction methods through trials using large members simulating wall rails, durability tests were performed, confirming various curing effects such as reduction of surface air permeability, inhibition of carbonation, and inhibition of chloride ingress. Further, the effects of this technique in actual structures were demonstrated through application to RC bridge wall rails. This paper reports also on the study of new methods for supplying water to further expand the range of applications of the proposed curing technique.
- Keywords:
- durability, permeable form, curing, excess water, moist curing, surface quality, densification