Establishment and Content of ISO 16311 Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Structures
-General Overview and Part 1: General Principles-
By K. Takewaka and T. Ueda
Concrete Journal, Vol.53, No.6, Jun. 2015
- Synopsis
- ISO 16311: Maintenance and repair of concrete structures was established in April 2014. This is the first international standard that covers the maintenance and repair of concrete structures. ISO Technical Committee 71 Subcommittee 7, which prepared this standard, was established and operated through a joint proposal by Japan and Korea, and thus ISO 16311 constitutes an Asia-originated ISO standard. Over the process of its creation, numerous discussions were held taking into account the current state of maintenance and repair practices in Europe, and U.S., and various other countries and regions, during lasted ten years. ISO 16311 consists of four parts, namely Part 1: General principles, Part 2: Assessment of Existing Concrete Structures, Part 3: Design of Repairs and Prevention, and Part 4: Execution of Repairs and Prevention. This paper provides an outline of the process leading to the establishment of this ISO standard and the content of Part 1 of this standard.
- Keywords:
- ISO 16311, international standard, concrete structure, maintenance, repair, general principles