Report on Revisions Concerning Salt Damage Verification in Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures-2012, Design by JSCE
By T. Maruya, T. Shimomura, T. Ishida, M. Iwanami and K. Nagai
Concrete Journal, Vol.52, No.6, Jun. 2014
- Synopsis
- This paper reports the contents that were examined with regard to the revision of the salt damage verification part of the JSCE Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures-2012. Design published in March 2013. This report summarizes the framework of salt damage verification, coefficient of chloride ion diffusion, surface chloride ion concentration, threshold value of corrosion generation, steel corrosion progress, and application to the design of structures. The above-listed items include ones that could not be covered in Compfementary for Standard Specifications published at the same time as the Standard Specifications owing to space constraints. In addition to clarifying the revision history of salt damage verification for the convenience of users, this report is designed to serve as a reference for future research and development.
- Keywords:
- Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures, Design, salt damage verification, coefficient of chloride ion diffusion, surface chloride ion concentration, threshold value of corrosion generation, steel corrosion