Revision of the JSCE Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures 2013, Maintenance
By H. Yokota and K. Kawai
Concrete Journal, Vol.52, No.2, Feb. 2014
- Synopsis
- This paper explains the outline of the revisions made to the JSCE Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures 2013, Maintenance. While adhering to the basic maintenance concept of the 2007 edition, the 2013 edition has changed the basic configuration to align it more with that of a performance verification system. In addition, new knowledge has been incorporated, including the introduction of maintenance limits, the performance evaluation of existing structures, and the introduction of maintenance based on deterioration phenomena, and various other revisions have been made to make these specifications even more useful for the practice of maintenance.
- Keywords:
- maintenance, planning, assessment, interventions, records, deterioration phenomena, deterioration mechanisms