Development of Abrasion-Resistant Members using Room-Temperature Curing UFC
By Y. Ishizeki, M. Sagara, K. Tamataki and N. Nishihira
Concrete Journal, Vol.51, No.11, Nov. 2013
- Synopsis
- The surfaces of concrete structures used in rivers sustain abrasion from water flow and the impact of waterborne debris such as gravel and rocks. We studied the application of ultra-high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete (UFC), which provides ultra-high strength and excellent long-term durability, to the creation of abrasion-resistant members. Abrasion tests were conducted using a steel rod-type abrasion tester to evaluate resistance to abrasion. To identify potential issues during actual construction, we conducted also simulated full-scale construction and obtained basic data on various aspects including manufacture, placement, surface finishing, and curing conditions. As a result, we confirmed that room-temperature curing UFC is suitable for the production of abrasion-resistant members.
- Keywords:
- UFC room temperature curing, abrasion, steel rod, joint, finishing, mechanism