Post-Construction Quality Verification of In-Place Reinforced Concrete
By K. Nakarai, I. Kurashige and T. Kishi
Concrete Journal, Vol.51, No.2, Feb. 2013
- Synopsis
- Subcommittee on Post-Construction Quality Verification of In-Place Reinforced Concrete (JSCE 335) under Concrete Committee of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) published the state-of-the-art report on the non-destructive inspection technique for measuring the quality of cover concrete of completed structures and the system for verifying durability of the structures based on the measured quality. Firstly, the significance of the implementation of the inspection was clarified by the review of the process of design, construction and maintenance. Then, a guideline for verifying the quality of cover concrete by the non-destructive inspection method such as air permeability test or water absorption test on site was proposed. In addition, the other guideline for improving the quality of cover concrete during the construction was proposed. Finally, the future of the durability design, prediction and maintenance utilizing the post-construction quality verification was discussed.
- Keywords:
- cover concrete, durability, non-destructive test, inspection