Estimation of Flexural Crack Widths of RC and PRC Beams
By T. Takeuchi and T. Nakatsuka
Concrete Journal, Vol.50, No.12, Dec. 2012
- Synopsis
- Estimation of crack widths is one of the important key points for performance design of reinforced concrete (RC) beams and prestressed reinforced concrete (PRC) beams. This report introduces experimental studies about influences of depth of beams, prestress levels etc. on average spacing of flexural cracks and strains of confining concrete around tensile reinforcement, using large scale RC and PRC beams. Following new results are presented. (1) Spacing of flexural cracks can be estimated by a function of depth of beams. (2) Equations to calculate strains of confining concrete using a new tensile reinforcement ratio which considers neutral axis depth of beam sections are induced. (3) A story necessary for design method to control flexural crack widths is proposed using derived safety factors from the test results.
- Keywords:
- flexural crack width, spacing of flexural cracks, strain of confining concrete around re-bar, reinforced concrete beam, prestressed reinforced concrete beam, design method to control crack width