Repair Performance of Re-injecting of LiNO2-containing Solution and Grout into Incomplete Grouting Area and Its Example of Application to an Actual PC Bridge
By T. Kamotani, T. Ebina, T. Aoyama and H. Morikawa
Concrete Journal, Vol.50, No.12, Dec. 2012
- Synopsis
- In some PC Bridges, incomplete groutings, like poor procedures, poor mixtures and so on, formed the voids in the post-tensioning duct. The PC tendons suffered corrosion damages due to chloride ions invaded into the voids in the area spraying antifreezing agent in winter season. The authors proposed re-injecting of LiNO2-containing solution and grout recently as a new countermeasure against the voids and corrosion of PC tendons. In this paper, The experiment with concrete specimens in order to verify repair performance of this method and its example of application to an actual PC bridge are introduced.
- Keywords:
- incomplete grouting, antifreezing agent, corrosion, repair, LiNO2, re-passivation, execution