The Preventive Method of Alkali-Silica Reaction Uniquely Established by JR East
By Y. Matsuda, K. Kumabe, I. Kino and M. Iwata
Concrete Journal, Vol.50, No.8, Aug. 2012
- Synopsis
- A long time has passed since the control measure of alkali-aggregate reaction (alkali-silica reaction : ASR) was prescribed by JIS. So it's contemplated that the control measure of ASR prescribed by JIS on aggregate of concrete has worked on the reduction of ASR. However, there are the damages by ASR in the concrete structures using the aggregate judged "Harmless" by JIS. Therefore, in JR East Japan, the new judgement method of aggregate was set. The number of classification of judgement on aggregate was changed from two into three without changing the current aggregate test method by JIS. Moreover, use of effective blended cement was set as the method for control of ASR.
- Keywords:
- alkali-aggregate reaction, ASR, Japanese Industrial Standards, mortar-bar method, chemical method, judgement classification of aggregates, control measure