The Outline of Revision of JSCE Recommendations for
Concrete Pumping 2012
-Overview of transitions and key points of the Recommendations-
By C. Hashimoto, T. Shindoh, S. Urano, S. Yanai and S. Hashimoto
Concrete Journal, Vol.50, No.7, Jul. 2012
- Synopsis
- The Recommendations for Concrete Pumping 2012 by Japan Society of Civil Engineers was published in June 2012. The original "Recommendations for Concrete Pumping" was enacted in 1985 and the first Revision was done in 2000. This revision is its second one. This report describes an overview of transitions of these Recommendations up to the present and key points of this revision.
- Keywords:
- concrete pump, Recommendations, pumping, pumping load, mechanical efficiency, working efficiency, safety management