Estimation of Drying Shrinkage Strain of Concrete and Selection of Methods for Shrinkage Crack Control
-Research Committee Report on Shrinkage Crack of Concrete-
By K. Teranishi, I. Maruyama, K. Saito, T. Hiraiwa and K. Mori
Concrete Journal, Vol.49, No.11, Nov. 2011
- Synopsis
- The research committee on shrinkage cracks of concrete organized in ASCoT (NPO) has addressed the following two subjects, which are the proposal of the method to estimate drying shrinkage strain of concrete and the arrangement of shrinkage crack control measures. With regard to the first subject, the collaborative experiment was carried out in the committee, and then the estimation method focusing on considering the effect of aggregate was proposed. In this method, the drying shrinkage strain of aggregate is estimated from specific surface area, air-dried moisture content of aggregate or direct measurements of that for coarse aggregate, and the drying shrinkage strain of concrete is calculated based on the composite theory using the obtained value. With regard to the second subject, effectiveness, cost advantage and versatility of various crack control measures were evaluated.
- Keywords:
- drying shrinkage. estimation method, aggregate, composite theory, aggregate size, crack control measures, crack pattern