Overall Examination of Concrete Pumping Methods
-The 7th Meeting of Research Society of Pumping Technology-
By Y. Kimura, T. Iwashimizu, J. Yamazaki and S. Kishi
Concrete Journal, Vol.49, No.7, Jul. 2011
- Synopsis
- In order to solve the problems concerning Pumping Concrete, the Research Society of Pumping Technology was established in 2004 in the Kinki Regional Materials and Construction Section in Architectural Institute of Japan, collaborating with Kinki Ready-Mixed Concrete Pumping Cooperative, and has been in continuous operation ever since. This paper reports the results of The 6th Field Experiment extracted from the contents in The 7th Meeting of Research Society of Pumping Technology in December 2010.
- Keywords:
- experiment of concrete pumping, pumpability, blockage, pressure loss, lightweight concrete