For Establishement of Porous Concrete Construction Srandard
By S. Hatanaka, N. Mishima, H. Morihama and T. Nakagawa
Concrete Journal, Vol.49 No.4, Apr 2011
- Synopsis
- Porous concrete (POC) or pervious concrete is a special concrete consisting of coarse aggregate and cementing matrix (paste or mortar) with intentionally incorporated continuous voids. The POC provides high environmental performance in terms of water permeability/drainage, water pumping, air permeability, sound absorbency, tolerance to the presence of plants and other organisms, etc. Recently, application of the POC is gradually increased in the actual construction. The former technical committee of porous concrete in JCI has already published a draft of design and construction code in 2003. SInce further information has been gained afterwards, it is considered the high time to review the draft and revise the document. In this technical report, a few parts of the earlier draft code is revised and added with new findings, spotlighting quality control and compaction method which are quite important for the actual application of the POC, mainly based on the author's research reports.
- Keywords:
- porous concrete, construction standard, actual construction, quality control, specimen, void ratio, compaction