Continuous Water Content Monitoring by using Radio Isotope Moisture Meter
By T. Inoue, S. Seko, H. Suzuki and S. Nakajima
Concrete Journal, Vol.48, No.11, Nov. 2010
- Synopsis
- Water content of ready mixed concrete affects strength and durability of hardened concrete. Radio Isotope Moisture Meter enables to measure water content of concrete through the pumping pipe. In this report, the method of continuous monitoring of water content and the result of measured water content data are presented. Upper limit water content is established, When measured water content transgress the upper limit, concrete has to be returned to the ready mixed concrete factory. As a result, all of the concrete during the construction, measured water content was within +15kg/m3, that means the quality variation was small enough. For this case, it is demonstrated that there is an advantage using radio isotope moisture meter to verify all concrete quality.
- Keywords:
- radio isotope moisture meter, concrete, water content, continuous monitoring, quality verification