The State of the Art of the Studies on Ultimate Shear Strength and Resistance Mechanism of the Particular Shaped RC Interior Beam-Column Joints
By T. Kamimura
Concrete Journal, Vo.48, No.3, Mar. 2010
- Synopsis
- In this paper, the state of the art of the studies on the three particular shaped interior bema-column joints in the plane frame is descrabed. At present, the equations of joints shear strength for the shape of exterior and interior joint are proposed. But these proposed equations do not reflect the influence of aspect ratio of joint, the mechanical behavior of beam-column assemblage with one-sided eccentricity and that of beam-column assemblage with different floor levels on both sides of column.
- Keywords:
- interior beam-column joint, particular shape, eccentricity, ratio of aspect, different floor levels, ultimate shear strenth of joint, resistance mechanism