Outline of Guideline for Design and Farbrication of Diagonally Reinforced Concrete Members
By A. Sumi, Y. Yamashitda, H. Yasuda and H. Kuramoto
Concrete Journal, Vo.48, No.3, Mar. 2010
- Synopsis
- Diagonal Renforcement is a effective bar arrangement method to prevent the shear failure of RC members, widely used for RC members of small shear span ratio. This Guideline has been published by Architectural Institute of Japan in this Feburary. Bending and shear strength of this members add diagonal reinforcement strength to parallel reinforcement strength. And, as the point of contrary flexure is apart from the center of member, the strength is decreasing. It includes the allowable stress design and the ultimate strength design. The adjustment of "Standard for Structural Calculation of Reinfoeced Concrete Structures 2010" are taken.
- Keywords:
- Diagonal Reinforcement, shear reinforcement, extramely short column, effective section, Point of contrary flexure, restriction reinforcement