Inspection of RC Handrail of Railway Viaduct and its Deterioration Prediction
By M. Sogabe, Y. Tanimura, H. Matsuhashi and M. Uno
Concrete Journal, Vol.47, No.8, Aug. 2009
- Synopsis
- There are a lot of deteriorated RC handrails of railway viaduct due to combined deterioration of carbonation and salt damage caused by cover concrete lack and initially-induced chloride ion that exceeds corrosion limit. Because the RC handrails deterioration of railway viaduct over or adjacent load has the possibility of threatening public safety, adequate measures are required. In this study, we collected the statistical data concerning differences of cover of reinforcement bar, carbonation and initially-induced chloride ion of the RC handrails use for 25 years or more, as well as quantifying deterioration rate with mesh division methods of visual inspection. As a result, we clarified that a predominant factor of the RC handrails deterioration rate was cover concrete lack based on above inspection. Moreover, we performed the "Monte Carlo simulation" and showed the incensement of deterioration rate. In addition, we also studied on corrosion rate compared with the Maintenance Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary.
- Keywords:
- railway viaduct, RC handrail, salt damage, carbonation, corrosion rate, Monte Carlo simulation