Study on the Compaction of Precast Concrete by the Horizontal Vibration Method
By S. Kawabe, S. Matsuoka, H. Chen and T. Okajima
Concrete Journal, Vol.47, No.3, Mar. 2009
- Synopsis
- The effect of concrete compacted in the horizontal vibration method with a low vibration and a high amplitude was examined by many conditions. These conditions are the vibration acceleration, the slump of concrete, the height at placing and three elements of the mould. This report presents the best condition of compaction from experimental and theoretical data. The contents of this report are outline of the horizontal vibration method, conditions of compaction, comparison with a table vibration and the effect of compaction with best conditions. The horizontal vibration method is adopted at 39 factories in Japan, and is developing more and more.
- Keywords:
- horizontal vibration, precast concrete, compaction, void on the surface