Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures
-2007 by Japan Society of Civil Engineers
By T. Uomoto, T. Ishibashi, Y. Nobuta,
T. Satoh, H. Kawano, K. Takewaka and K. Uji
Concrete Journal, Vol,46, No.7, Jul, 2008
- Synopsis
- The Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures were revised and published by Japan Society of Civil Engineers in December 2007. The 2007 edition was consisted of 5 parts, "Design", "Materials and Construction", "Dam Concrete", "Maintenance" and "Standards for test methods and material quality". This paper describes main revisions in 4 parts excluding "Standards for test methods and material quality". Having in mind for making the specifications convenient to practicing engineers, the revision was carried out to maintain the least requirements for introducing the up-to-date developments in concrete technology, to optimize the current performance-based specifications and to synchronize all constituent parts so as to create a perfect connection between different parts. It is believed that this revision is a fine integration between the rationality based on performance verification concept and the practical applicability.
- Keywords:
- Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures, performance verification, design, Construction, maintenance,damconcrete,inspection