API Method, an Accelerated Estimation Method for
Pozzolanic Reactivity of Fly Ash
By T. Yamamoto
Concrete Journal, Vol.46, No.3, Mar. 2008
- Synopsis
- There is a need to establish an accelerated estimation method for pozzolanic reactivity of fly ash, instead for conventional lengthy mortar strength estimating method. In this study, an accelerated estimmation method, API method, was proposed. The API value was obtained by determining consumption ratio of Ca2+ in cement and fly ash equally mixed suspension under 80�Z for 18hours. API values showed good correlation against mortar activity indices. On the other hand, dependency of strength development of mortar on the compacting effect of hydration phase during pozzolanic reaction of fly ash was confirmed by the results of analysis including pore size distibution measurement.
- Keywords:
- fly ash, API, pozzolanic reaction, pore size