Latest Movement of Research on Self Healing Concrete in Japan and in Foreign Countries
By A. Hosoda and T. Kishi
Concrete Journal, Vol.45, No.11, Nov. 2007
- Synopsis
- First International Conference on Self Healing Materials was held in the Netherlands in April 2007. A technical committee about self healing concrete was established in JCI in 2007. A technical committee of RILEM has also started its activities on Self healing concrete. In this report, the latest movement of research on self healing concrete i Japan and in foreign countries is explained. Our way of thinking about the definition of technical term such as self healing and self repairing is exhibited. Useful information obtained in the first international conference, the research activities of JCI and RILEM technical committees, and some latest research topics are explained.
- Keywords:
- crack, self healing, self reparing, definition of technical term, first international conference