ISO Code of Concrete Production-ISO 22965 (Concrete-Specifiation, Performance, Production and Conformity of Concrete)
By Y. Tsuji
Concrete Journal, Vol.45, No.7, Jul. 2007
- Synopsis
- International Standard ISO 22965 concerning to production and conformity of concrete has been prepared by Sub-committee 3, Production and Execution of Concrete Structure in ISO/TC71, Concrete, Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete from a reactivation of SC3 at 1998. The FDIS voting was closed at February of 2007 and was gotten approval from almost all participating member bodies. This Code becomes essential for the International harmonization process of our Japanese Codes of concrete productions. Basic contents and a background of ISO 22965 are described. Not only an application scope of standard, exposure classes, three concrete classes, consistence classes and strength classes butt also an evaluation system of conformity are focused on. It may be thought that the evaluation system of conformity to be transferred to
new JIS Mark system at 2005. - Keywords:
- specification, performance, production, conformity, evaluation system, ISO code