Development of Plate Anchored Bars called "Post-Head- bar"
applying for Shear Reinforcement of servicing RC Underground Structures
By Y. Tanaka, T. Ootomo, T. Mioke and K. Horiguchi
Concrete Journal, Vol.45, No.3, Mar. 2007
- Synopsis
- RC structures under service that were designed by old earthquake codes are considered to be lack of the out of plane shear resistance or the ductility for the level II strong earthquake. Those RC structure should be strengthened to be failed with flexure mode not shear mode. The plate anchored bars called "Post-Head-bar" have been developed to reinforce the RC underground structure with working from inside only and to increase the ratio of shear bearing capacity to flexure capacity and to be flexible and ductile structures. In this paper, the reverse cyclic shear loading tests, the flexure toughness tests as well as pulling tests for anchored behavior of Post-Head-bar have been conducted to clarify the shear resistance mechanism and to find out the evaluation methods to calculate the qualitative shear resistance performance.
- Keywords:
- shear resistance bar, rehabilitation for earthquake, level II earthquake, anchor of reinforcing bars, reverse cyclic loading, RC underground structure