Outlines of JSCE "Recommendations for Shotcreting for Tunnels
by NATM Method, Shotcreting for Slop Protections and Sprayed Mortar for Repair
and Strengthening of Existing Structures (draft)"
By T. Uomoto and R. Sugiyama
Concrete Journal, Vol.44, No.10, Oct. 2006
- Synopsis
- The research report has been published as "Recommendations of Shotcreting (draft) composed of "Shotcreting" for Tunnel by the NATM, "Shotcreting for Slope Stabilization" and "Sprayed Mortar for Repair and Strengthening of Existing Structures" in the description of performance-based verification in July of 2005 by Concrete Committee of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE). While shotcrete has been frequently applied to tunnel, slope stabilization, repair and strengthening of existing structures, composition material mixture, and application are entirely different for the three types of shotcreting. Moreover, the three types having the construction methods and examination methods are unique and different respectively. It was decided to create unified performance-based verification, focusing on the point of "Shotcreting " or "Spraying" based construction common for these three types, except for regular poured concrete. Furthermore, along with the these three Parts of the Recommendation for Shotcreting (draft), eleven items formulated for the Shotcrete Testing Methods of the JSCE Standards (draft) were deliberated and published.
- Keywords:
- shotcreting, sprayed mortar, performance-based verification, tunnels by the NATM, slope stabilization, repair and strengthening