Case Studies for Seismic Retrofit on Concrete Dams applying Ground
By T. Kido and H. Kubo
Concrete Journal, Vol.44, No.7, Jul. 2006
- Synopsis
- The history of the existing dams is old. It is 100 years in Japan. The retrofit on the existing dams have frequently been conducted in foreign countries and there are several case examples although there are not many even in Japan. Concerning the purpose of retrofit on concrete dams, seismic retrofit has been paid attention to, being concerned about level 2 earthquake occurring since the Hanshin Earthquake happened. Regarding the retrofit method, there could be several kinds. In this report case studies for ground anchor which has never been applied in Japan will be reported. According to the long term investigation results and information collected during the authors' staying in the US, there have been several hundred case histories for dam retrofit with ground anchor. A couple of case histories will be introduced out of those investigation results and information collected.
- Keywords:
- concrete dam, seismic retrofit, buttress with RCC, ground anchor, pre-stress