Evaluation System for Earthquake Resistant Performance of Reinforced
Concrete Buildings
By K. Sugimoto, K. Tsuda, K.Ichikawa and T. Kawabata
Concrete Journal, Vol.44, No.4, Apr. 2006
- Synopsis
- This paper describes about a performance evaluation system for earthquake resistant RC structures. The system was developed by adding a damage evaluation process to the nonlinear frame analysis program "DREAM-3D", and the analytical results were applicable showing damage extension on post program. Crack width is used as an index of damage. The analysis with the system calculates the crack width of each member. Experiments were executed to verify the proposed process. The calculation results corresponded well with the experimental well with the experimental ones. Additionally, frame analysis was executed for an existing 5 story building using the system, and damage extension was clearly visible.
- Keywords:
- performance based design, damage evaluation, restoring force characteristic, crack width