Investigation on the Suitability of Various Equations for Calculating
Strength Using an Experimental Database for Reinforced Concrete Beams and Columns
made Using Ultra-high Strength Materials
By T. Kurosawa, T. Morimoto, M. Ichikawa and A. Nakaoka
Concrete Journal, Vol.44, No.2, Frb. 2006
- Synopsis
- Many apartments are increasingly being built as super high-rise reinforced concrete buildings, particularly in metropolitan areas, and thus the usage of ultra-high strength concrete and reinforcing bars is increasing. However, the existing design recommendation of public organizations are for concreteof compressive strength not exceeding 60 N/mm2 and main reinforcements of SD390 or lower. In this study, a database which compiled experimental results of bending shear tests on reinforced concrete columns or beams using concrete of more than 60N/mm2 for compressive strength was constructed in order to investigate the suitability of several proposed equations for strength estimations.
- Keywords:
- reinforced concrete column, reinforced concrete beam, ultra-high strength material, database, bending strength, shear strength