Research about Mix Proportion and Water Content Per Unit Volume
of Concrete on Prestressed Concrete Bridges
By S. Tokumitsu, S. Nakamura, H. Takenaka and M. Wakimoto
Concrete Journal, Vol.43, No.12, Dec. 2005
- Synopsis
- The Japan prestressed concrete contractors association carried out the investigation about mix proportion and water content per unit volume of concrete on Prestressed Concrete Bridges. Data of 613 mix proportions for 464 construction sites were provided. In Western Japan, acquisition of natural aggregate such as river sand and river gravel was difficult, and super-plasticizer was used in more than half of 464 sites. The use of super-plasticizer increased slump and reduced cement content per unit volume of concrete. It was revealed that measurement of water content per unit volume was effect to progress concrete qualities, however there were many points for improvement.
- Keywords:
- Specified mix proportion, Slump, Aggregate, Measurement of water content per unit volume, Nominal strength, Super-plasticizer