New High-rise RC Structure Using Pre-cast ECC Coupling Beam
By M. Maruta, T. Kanda, S. Nagai and Y. Yamamoto
Concrete Journal, Vol.43, No.11, Nov. 2005
- Synopsis
- Recently, core wall structures are increased because of omitting columns and beams inside living space. It is realized of the new kind structure with ECC (Engineered Cementecious Conposite) coupling beam that consume seismic energy. ECC have an especially tensile capacities and crack width restriction effect caused of small cracks dispersion under tensile stress. ECC is a cementecious complex material reinforced short fibers. Design requirement for the new structure's ECC coupling beam are 1) prevension of shear and bond failure and maintain of strength until 4% drift angle, 2) keeping under 0.3 mm of crack width after earthquake. To satisfy these requirement, some structural tests were conducted to eatablish the structural design method for ECC beams. And quality control method for makin ECC beams at a pre-cast plant was in preparation. This paper contains these upper issues.
- Keywords:
- ECC, High-rise Building, Structural Design, Coupling Beams, Structural Test, Pre-cast, Manufacture