Intermediate Materials between Concrete and Geomaterials
By T. Uchimura
Concrete Journal, Vol.43, No.10, Oct. 2005
- Synopsis
- Concrete engineers have developed RCD and CSG method, which use mixture materials of aggregate, cement and water with lower cement contents than usual concrete. Such materials can be filled and mechanically compacted just like soil structres. On the other hand, geotechnical engineers have developed cement well-graded gravels as a new backfill material, in order to construct more stable soil structures. These materials are quite similar to each other in their quality of aggregate (or well-graded gravel), mixture ratio of cement and water and compaction methods. They could be classified in the same category, intermediate between concrete and soils while their concepts of mixture design, quality control and construction methods are different. This paper compares these materials, and reports some experimental results on their compaction and strength characteristics.
- Keywords:
- CSG (Cemented Sand and Gravel), Cemented well-grated gravel, Cement contents, Water contents, Compaction, Compressive strength