ASR Mitigation-effect of Repair and Retrofitting Methods against
ASR Damaged Reinforced Concrete Columns
By K. Ishii, Y. Okuda, S. Tanikawa and K.Torii
Concrete Journal, Vol.43, No.7, Jul. 2005
- Synopsis
- In Japan, it became a great matter that a lot of RC colums have been suffering from the serious damage due to ASR. Although some coutermeasures were established about 15 years ago, they could not always mitigate ASR completely. Recently, it was founded that reinforcing bars in ASR-damaged concrete structures were also failured. The authors carried out the series of study on ASR mitigation-effect and strengthing-effect of repair and retrofitting methods. The long-term exposure test using real-size specimens and inspection of retrofitted real columns was performed. This paper described their ASR mitigation-effect.
- Keywords:
- ASR, repair, retrofitting, mitigation-effect, surface coating method, steel plate bonding method, PC confined method