A Remark on Both the Major International Wind Design Building
Codes & Standards and the Structural Design Criteria adopted for Several
Recently Constructed Ultra-Tall Buildings in Asia
By T. Shimazu
Concrete Journal, Vol.43, No.7, Jul. 2005
- Synopsis
- This paper, first, reviews the basic common steps of wind design methods of major international building codes and standards (Australia, Canada, EU, Japan and U.S.A.), regarding the effects of various factors, such as mean wind loads, fluctuating wind loads, turbulence intensity and gust loading factors, on wind design of buildings, along with the comparison among those codes and standards. The calculated results acoording to the codes and standards on assumed 200m and 500m tall buildings are also compared. Secomd, this paper discusses structural design criteria adopted for five recently constructed ultra-tall buildings in Asia (Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai-two buildings, Taipei and Yokohama). The wind design levels and the seismic design levels used for these five ultra-tall buildings are summarized in terms of overall drift induced in these buildings. Finally, super-ultra-tall buildings with the multi-core system like a 705m ultra-tall building to be constructed at Dubai in 2008 are suggested for densely populated cities in the future.
- Keywords:
- basic wind speed, return period, wind load, wind tunnel test, seismic load, design criteria, overall drift of buildings