Outlines of Guideline and Recommendation for Seismic Performance
Verification of Underground Reinforced Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power
Stations and its Revised Contents
By K. Maruyama, M. Horie and T. Kanazu
Concrete Journal, Vol.43, No.4, Apr. 2005
- Synopsis
- The outline of Gudeline and Recommendation for Seismic Performance Verification of Underground Reinforced Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Station and those revised contents are introduced. The guideline was published in May 2002 as the results of the four year's activity by Seismin performance vrification committee of Nuclear Civil Engineering Committee in JSCE, which was sponsored by Japanese electric power companies. The guideline for underground structures was established based on performance verification system, which has been successfully introduced to various design guidelines for newly developed structural materials and RC structures. The committee activity is being continued to revise some technical issues;rationalization of analytical model for saturated soil during strong ground shaking in the seismic response analysis and shear capacity verification system, and estimation of the effects of vertical ground motion on underground structures. The revised guideline will be published in May 2005.
- Keywords:
- performance verification, reinforced concrete, seismic design, underground structure, nuclear power station